

Diasporic Consciousness: A Study of Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake

In the period of globalization and with the fast moving of the development of technology, many people migrate to foreign land for one or the other reason but mostly for better opportunities. In a way to connect and come closer to that place, the closeness to the culture, the native language and the rules evoke a psychological oppression resulting to dilemma of cultural clash and identity. Jhumpa Lahiri, a daughter of an immigrant is one of the postcolonial writers who face clashes between two cultures. In The Namesake, Lahiri presents the character of Ashoke and Ashima where they feel nostalgia as they migrate to a new land and through the feeling of diaspora, they recollect the memories back at home especially in the character of Ashima. It also deals with the cultural identity crisis which is faced by both the generation of the immigrants. In the case of the first generation, the immigrants face dilemma, consciousness of being an outsider and cultural identity crisis due to the language, dressing essence and food habits. But the second generation immigrants they mainly face the crisis in relation to the personality, identity and adjustment in an alien land. The present paper deals with the issue of the migration to present the pain and the problem that are faced by the immigrants by contrasting the subject of diaspora in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Nostalgia, identity, dilemma, immigrant, diaspora, and alienation.

ISSN: 2454-2296

EISSN: 2395-0897


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