Research Methodology has always been a pivotal concern for the analysis and assessment of the great literary and non-literary discussions. Marxism, Feminism, Gyno-criticism and Post-feminism had been emerging critical jargon upon which modern, post-modern and new literary criticism grew and they altogether constituted pivot for creative literary practices and their assessment. The present paper is an attempt to discuss and highlight the use of feminism in indigenous Indian context for addressing Indian issues. Classical Feminism is coined, propounded and propagated by the theorists like Simon de Beauvoir, Elaine Showalter and Kate Millett but here we attempt to look at the Feminism which asks for the departure from the Classical Feminism and stresses upon the need of the derived form of indigenous Indian feminism.
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Author Name: Dr S,N.Singh, Dr Allen
Keywords: Feminist Research Methodology, Classical Feminism, Derived Indian Indigenous Feminism.
ISSN: 2454-2296
EISSN: 2395-0897
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