The research deals with the problem of forming the ethnic didactic knowledge of young people who study. The
research analyzes Ethnodidactics as the essential part of Ethnopedagogics, the pedagogical conditions increase
the efficiency of forming the ethnic didactic knowledge. We should mention the problem of the ethnopedagogical,
etnodidactic and ethnic culture at first glance is well developed and used. In education much attention is paid to
linguistic and literary, historical, ethnographic and religious aspects. The materials of the research are based on
the scientific literature of the ethnopedagogical school, works of famous Ukrainian educators, modern investigations in Didactics. The main attention is given to the scientific literature where such notion as
"Ethnodidactics" is analyzed. The article highlights three main approaches in the modern education. These
approaches are actively used by ethnodidactical knowledge: humanist, humanitarian and cultural. The source of
Ethnopedagogics contains people’s knowledge, native language, ethnography, countrystudying, practical
experience, housekeeping, etc. On the basis of this we figure out three main stages in forming the
ethnodidactical knowledge: ethnocultural study is major in the society, countrystudying is the fundamental field
of the knowledge, the transition of the ethnodidactical knowledge in the modern didactical knowledge on the
background of the professional approach in the determination of educational aims. The conclusions are made
and give the opportunity to consider the interaction of social and personal factors on the modern pedagogical
process, to care about the youth’s ethnocultural preparation. The use of the ethnocultural approach in the
education will allow operating not only the concepts of knowledge, abilities, skills, and increasing the worry
about finding a person of the ethnocultural competence in particular, that characterizes the important aspect of
the field of the disciplinary ethnodidactical knowledge.
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Author Name: Berezyuk E. S.
Keywords: ethnocultural preparation, ethnocultural competence, ethnodidactical knowledge, Ethnodidactics, modern didactical knowledge, pedagogical conditions.
ISSN: 2076-6173
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