For a more extensive development of small wind energy there is a need to improve the known control algorithms of wind turbines (WT) in order to improve their energy efficiency. For the research has been selected vertical axis WT with one kilowatt rated power. The most common way to control such WT is to regulate generator`s load torque proportionally to the square of its angular velocity – perturbation regulation by the wind speed. This control system provides the maximum wind power point tracking, but has a low speed, especially at low wind speeds and turbulence. This factor, as well as changes in the aerodynamic characteristics of wind rotor depending on environmental parameters, such as wind speed and air temperature reduces the amount of generated by WT power. This article presents the developed WT`s control system, which allows on-line to determine the optimal in terms of the maximum output electric power load torque for vector controlled synchronous generator with permanent magnets, during the influences of mentioned disturbing factors. Such control system based on a fuzzy logic controller, which receives input signals of the wind speed and air temperature. On the output of controller is generator`s load torque correction signal. To improve the dynamic characteristics of the system, to the perturbation regulator is added deviation regulator of the angular velocity of the wind rotor. The power efficiency of the proposed solution was tested using computer simulation in MATLAB/Simulink workspace. New developed WT`s control system was compared with traditional one on simulated turbulent winds. The results of the research confirmed the increase of produced by WT`s generator energy during test period to 7%, compared with the traditional control system, depending on the environmental parameters.
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Author Name: A. Lozynsky, V. Shchur
Keywords: wind turbine, vertical axis wind rotor, fuzzy logic controller.
ISSN: 2072-2052
EISSN: 2074-9937
EOI/DOI: 621.311.24:621.548
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