Large development step of NGO-s, in general, but also the inclusion of the
environmental NGO-s, itself is done in Kosovo since 2000, the activities of NGO-s
in Kosovo as well as around the world has increased rapidly due to direct
communication, establishing a connection between the Internet and through local,
regional and international cooperation in all parts of the world. It raised and
strengthened the public's right to participate in the design and implementation of
environmental protection policies.
The environmental situation in Kosovo leaves much to be desired. Central and local
government needs the active participation of NGO-s, and environmental experts to
develop policies that enable public support for the implementation of the three
pillars of the Aarhus Convention in practice. Country - Kosovo also needs the active
role of NGOs, but environmental NGO-s need urgent moral and financial support
from central and local government so that their influence on policy implementation ,
and monitoring of these policies at the same time will be much more efficient and
effective. It is exactly the Aarhus Convention that gives this right. It establishes the
basic right to have access on environmental information, participation and right to
address to justice and underlines the necessity of facilitating the procedures for
disclosure regardless of nationality, citizenship or residence. The right of citizens on
information, participation in decision-making processes at the local level and the
right to address the courts represents the principle of democratic regulation of the
state and the main precondition for transparent and responsible work of local self
governments Establishment and operation of environmental NGOs in Kosovo began
during 2000, according to Statistics of the NGO-s, within the Ministry of Public
Administration there are over 58 environmental NGO-s, profile and functional hours
are very few.
Real Time Impact Factor:
Author Name: Zymer Mrasori , Ferim Gashi
Keywords: Aarhus convention, NGO-s, three pillars, environment, information, participating, justice, decision-making etc.
ISSN: 1857-9000
EISSN: 1857-9019
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