Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L.), is one of the oldest living tree species and its leaves are among the most extensively studied herbs in use today. Nick named as “living fossil” by Charles Darwin, Ginkgo is over 150 million years old and was thought to be extinct until it was found growing in China in 17th Century. In western world, Ginkgo supplements are among the best-selling herbal medications. Ginkgo leaves contain two types of chemicals (flavonoids and terpenoids) believed to have potent antioxidant properties. Ginkgo has been used in Chinese traditional medicine to treat blood disorders and enhance memory. Scientific studies throughout the years have found evidence that sup ports these claims. Al though not all studies agree,Ginkgo may help treat dementia (including Alzheimer’s dis ease) and intermittent claudication, or poor circulation in the legs. It also shows promise for enhancing memory in older adults.
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Author Name: Pooja Sapra Sharma and Rajan Sharma
Keywords: Medicinal Plant; Chemistry; Fossil; Ginkgo
ISSN: 2250-2823
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