

Information technology for modeling of systems with logical actuation device

Now the important scientific and technical challenge is to create new means of simulation of automatic control systems , especially for non-linear system with variable parameters. There is a significant number of software packages that can simulate the behavior of nonlinear non-stationary systems, but most of them have a rigid structure that does not allow for replacement or modification of the functional parts of packages. To overcome this shortcoming in the proposed structure interaction appropriate functional parts of information technology which, unlike existing ones, allows to replace or modify the operation of existing pieces of software . This change is possible through the use of interfaces that perform the function of converting data from one format to format the components of the rest of the vehicle component modeling. The paper also provides a description of problems solved components of software technology in question

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Logic control devices, harmonic linearization

ISSN: 2312-3125

EISSN: 2312-931X

EOI/DOI: 10.15673/2312 - 3125.18/2014.2

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