The kinetics of formation of coordination biopolymeric multimembranes hydrogels of capillary structure between Ca(II), Sr(II) and Ba(II) metal ions and sodium alginate sol as a polysaccharide has been studied complexometrically at various temperatures. When the alginate sol was present in large excess over that of the metal ion concentration, the pseudo-first-order plots of sol-gel transformation showed sigmoidal curves of two distinct stages. The first stage was relatively fast, followed by a very slow stage at longer time periods. The rate-law of gel formation was described by the form (Ct - C?) = Bo e-kf t + Po e-k s t, whereas the two gelation pathways showed a simple first-order dependence with respect to both the metal ion and alginate sol. The kinetic parameters have been evaluated and a gelation mechanism consistent with the kinetic results has been suggested.
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Author Name: Refat M. Hassan, Adil Gobouri, Ishaq A. Zaafarany
Keywords: Biomaterials, Membranes, Gelation, Kinetics, Biocatalysts, Hydrogels, Alginates
ISSN: 2326-4705
EISSN: 2326-473X
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