Microarray Technology is used to automate the diagnostic task and improve the accuracy of the traditional diagnostic techniques. Analysis of microarrays presents a number of unique challenges for data mining. It is a high throughput method to analyze expression levels of multiple genes simultaneously. The concept of association plays an important role in microarray to find the association of expression levels of multiple genes. In the proposed work, the association rule mining technique is used to mine gene expression data in order to analyze the affects of expression of one gene with other gene for gene functionality biological Process and Molecular Function. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae dataset is used for the work where Apriori algorithm is used to find the association of genes for different experimental condition for time interval 2 and 4.
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Author Name: Bhuvaneswari V., Umajothy P.
Keywords: Association; Discrete; Microarray; Regulations; Support; Temporal; Time Interval; Transaction
ISSN: 2326-5825
EISSN: 2326-5833
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