

Material Modeling and Finite-Element Analysis of Active-contractile and Passive Responses of Smooth Muscle Tissue

The present work deals with smooth-muscle-tissue material-model development and its use in finite-element computational analyses. In the first portion of the work, one of the smooth-muscle tissues reported in the open literature is critically assessed. Then, the model is calibrated using experimental data published in the open literature, for isometric (constant length) and isotonic (constant holding stress) uniaxial-tensile-tests of swine carotid artery. Predictions of this model under uniaxial loading conditions are then investigated and their physical soundness is established. Next, the model is implemented into a user-material subroutine which enables, under general deformation conditions, determination of the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of the material stress state and material state-variables. Lastly, the user-material subroutine is linked with a commercial finite-element program and used to analyze a simple smooth-muscle contractile problem involving: (a) a tubular structure surrounded with smooth-muscle tissue (with muscle-cell longitudinal directions aligned in the tube circumferential direction); and (b) an intra-luminal content in the form of a prolate spheroidal, the major axis of which coincides with the tube axis. Activation/contraction of the smooth-muscle tissue triggered by the tube/spheroidal contact stresses has been found to result in a forward momentum/motion of the intra-luminal content.

Real Time Impact Factor: 1.66667

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Keywords: Smooth-muscle Tissue, Contractile Behavior, Finite-element Analysis

ISSN: 2326-5825

EISSN: 2326-5833


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