

XML Investigate the feasibility of using image processing method for the count of bacteria and comparison with Colony Counter

Background and Aim: Considering the importance of quality and bacterial contamination in food products, a rapid, accurate and able method to deliver consistent results for counting bacteria is an essential. Application of image processing in the measurement of quality is one of important research topics. This method is very accurate and non-destructive with constant results. The aim of this study was the use of image processing in bacterial count (Quail flora, sourdough and drinks kefir) and comparison with Colony Counter method. Materials and Methods: First, of intestinal microbial flora Quail, sourdough and drink kefir, Dilutions were prepared from 10 -1 to 10-9. Then respectively in plate count agar, YGC agar and MRS agar were cultured surface (Quail flora and lactic acid bacteria in drink kefir at 37 ° C and yeast in sourdough at 25 °C). After 24 hours, colonies grown by Colony Counter and Image J software were counted in triplicate. Results: The results showed that in dilutions of 10-5 to 10-9, don’t difference between the numbers reported by the two methods but in dilutions of 10 -1 to 10-4, there were significant difference between the numbers reported by the two methods. Conclusions: According to the results of this research can be introduced image processing an accurate and rapid method for bacterial count.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: image processing, Microbial flora, colony counter, Image J.,

ISSN: 2345-4342

EISSN: 1735-8612


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