In this study, the operation of the ramp comparison current control is analyzed and simulated on a grid connected inverter used in a photovoltaic power plant. The model of the photovoltaic power plant is built using MATLAB / SIMULINK. Performance of the hardware are evaluated and analyzed by comparing the simulation and the theoretical results due to input parameter of the photovoltaic plant, i.e. temperature and irradiation. Simulations results showed the similarity with the theoretical results. Performances of the current control were evaluated by varying the amplitude and frequency of triangle wave as the modulation signal. For each frequency and the amplitude, the quality of the output current is analyzed by reviewing the generated current distortion. Simulation shows that for the triangle wave frequency of 1250 Hz, it was produced the current THD of 7.25%, while for the frequency 4950 Hertz, current THD obtained was 4.10%. These values indicate that the larger the triangle wave frequency was applied , the better the quality of the resulting current (low distortion). While, the effect of the triangle wave amplitude indicates that the higher the triangle wave’s amplitude, the poorer the quality of output currents would be obtained, for an amplitude of 15 Volts and frequency of 4950 Hz, the generated THD current was 4.10%, while for the amplitude of 20 Volts, the generated THD current was 4.31%.
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Author Name: Hazlif Nazif, Muh. Imran Hamid
Keywords: PV-Inverter, MATLAB, THD, Ramp Comparison Current Control and Grid
ISSN: 2302-2949
EISSN: 2407-7267
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