This study was carried out to determine some spermatological parameters and hematological characteristics of the B. grypus (H, 1843) in the spawning season. Investigation was performed using 20 B. grypus males captured from Atatürk Dam Lake. Milt and blood samples were col-lected and evaluated daily in sampling day. In collected milt, the mean values of milt volume (µL), the percentage of motile spermatozoa (%), duration of motility (s), spermatozoa concen-tration (x109/mL) and pH were 886.00 ±78.76, 71.25 ±4.56, 115.10 ±6.19, 10.61 ±1.67 and 8.13 ±0.45, respectively. The blood parameters of B. grypus males were 30.01 ±4.11, 2.05±0.07, 7.72 ±0.11, 147.27 ±4.93, 38.98 ±2.61, 26.47 ±0.84 and 29.45 ±0.75 for WBC (x103/mm3), RBC (x106/mm3), Hb (g/dl), MCV (µm3), MCH (pg), MCHC (%) and PCV (%), respectively. Milt volumes in 8 year old fish were significantly higher than those in 5, 6 and 7 year old individuals (P<0.01). Also, mean PCV value was significantly higher (P<0.05) in 8 year old males than the others. These results suggest that the milt volume and PCV value of the B. grypus (H, 1843) are influenced by age.
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Author Name: Zafer Do?u, Faruk Aral, Erdinç ?ahinöz
Keywords: Barbus grypus, Shabbout, Sperm, Blood
EISSN: 1307-234X
EOI/DOI: 10.3153/jfscom.201432
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