

“InVitro Effects of Papaya (Carica Papaya), Lemon Juice (Citrus Aurantifolia), Vinegar and Yogurt as A Meat Tenderizer”

This study compared the ability of tenderness of goat and beef meat with local plant products like papaya (Caricap apya), lemon juice (Citrus Aurantifolia) and chemical products vinegar and yogurt (local name Dhai). In this study ERV and pH of the meat also tested, which influenced the meat tenderness as well as the palatability of meat. The pH values were estimated within the range of good quality i.e (5.3-5.7), moisture content and ERV values also found within the range of normal level. To check the tenderness effect of local products, samples are injected in different concentration with brine solution in beef and goat meat samples. The samples were kept 4°C for 24, 48 and 72 hours. Tenderness were calculated with the expressed juice in %. The results indicate the vinegar has the higher tenderness activity in goat and meat samples. The papaya, lemon and yogurt also show the tenderization of meat samples to some significant level. The use of tenderizing material for meat is necessary, but the amount should be used in low quantity because the higher concentration denatures the protein found in meat.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Vinegar, yogurt, Tenderization, Papaya, meat.


EISSN: 2249 –1929

EOI/DOI: nill

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