Hepatitis is worldwide major public health problem including India. According to World Health Organization fact sheet near about one-third of the world population i.e. about 2 billion person has been infected with Hepatitis B Virus infection with serological evidence of past or present infection. Out of these 2 billion people who have been infected worldwide, more than 350 million approximately 5–7% of the world’s population are having the chronic HBV infection. Health care workers are more prone for getting infected with Hepatitis-B as they are in close contact with the patients; nursing students are the future staff nurses. Therefore, a study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Hepatitis-B among nursing students In Selected Schools of Nursing Moga, Punjab. The purpose of study was to assess the knowledge and to impart the health information regarding Hepatitis B so as to prevent the disease and reduce morbidity and mortality , with the main objectives to assess and compare the pre-test and post-test knowledge, to find out the relationship between pre-test knowledge and post-test knowledge of nursing students with selected demographic variables. Quasi experimental approach and two group pre-test and post test design was used for the present study by taking 60 Nursing students which were selected by purposive sampling technique. A self structured and self reported questionnaire on knowledge assessment regarding Hepatitis B was prepared and validated by the expert’s opinion regarding the relevance of the items. Reliability of the tool was estimated by split half technique which included computing Pearson’s coefficient of correlation and thereafter by applying Spearman Brown prophecy formula, which was found to be 0.8, and the statistical validity was found to be 0.9 hence the tool was highly reliable The questionnaire was administered to the Nursing students to assess their pre test knowledge scores in both the groups. After the pre test, the structured teaching program was given to experimental group by the investigator after one day of pretest with the help of A.V aids. The time spent on structured teaching program was 45 minutes. The post test was taken of both experimental and control group after giving a gap of three day to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme. Data was analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. The study finding revealed that pre test knowledge score of nursing students was inadequate which get increased after imparting the STP. In this study the post-test mean knowledge score of experimental group was higher than the post-test mean knowledge score of control group at p < 0.05 level. This indicates that STP was effective. There was statistically significant effect of certain demographic variables on pre test and post test knowledge score of nursing students in experimental group. It was concluded that nurse plays an important role in disease prevention and promotion of health so providing continuing education programme is essential for nursing staff so as to reduce the morbidity and mortality due to Hepatitis B.
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Author Name: Dhiraj Rani
Keywords: Hepatitis; Structured teaching programme (STP); Nursing Students
ISSN: 2393-8536
EISSN: 2393-8544
EOI/DOI: 10.15415/jmrh.2015.12006
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