Arsenic contamination in drinking water is a widespread issue in developing countries, especially in the Indo-Pak subcontinent. Modern arsenic removal technologies may not be feasible in this part of the world due to poor economic conditions and remoteness of many rural areas. Some cost effective techniques like oxidation and co-precipitation can be used as an alternative in these situations. Oxidation techniques widely used in sub-continent include passive sedimentation, solar oxidation and in-situ oxidation. Co-precipitation techniques include bucket treatment unit, three pitcher methods, BCSIR filter unit, fill and draw unit, arsenic removal unit attached to tube well and a five step purification system. The objective of the present synthesis is to compare these cost effective techniques for arsenic hit rural areas of Pakistan. Though modifications and improvements may be needed to get better results in our local conditions but it will open field for research in this particular area, which is being neglected so far and is necessary for sustainable development in drinking water sector in Pakistan. These methods can be highly effective as these are adjustable over a wide range of arsenic contamination. These techniques are best suited to Pakistan’s rural conditions as these neither need electricity nor pressure. Moreover, the raw material for these techniques is cheaper and can be made easily available at the domestic level even in far flung areas of Pakistan. It is recommended that these sustainable techniques should be introduced in arsenic hit rural areas of Pakistan.
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Author Name: Muhammad Luqman, Muhammad Mohsin Javed, Abdullah Yasar, Jamil Ahmad and Amin-ul-Haq Khan
Keywords: Arsenic, removal, water, techniques, subcontinent
ISSN: 2074-9546
EISSN: 2075-1141
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