

Distributed and Grid Computing: An Analytical Comparison

CPU utilization is an important aspect of distributed and grid computing environment. The computing nodes can be overloaded, i.e., they can have more jobs than their capacity such that no more jobs can be associated to them and in that case, the load from the overloaded node can be shifted to other nodes those are under loaded(i.e. doing little work or sitting idle). For this, load balancing is required. In load balancing the workload is redistributed among the computing nodes of the system. This improves the job response time and CPU utilization. Dynamic load balancing schemes operate on the decisions that based on the current state of the system. They do not require the previous state of the system for making the load balancing decisions. In this paper, we present an analytical comparison of the various dynamic load balancing schemes in distributed and grid computing environment. This comparison depicts which scheme is better in distributed environment and which is better in grid environment on a particular quality metrics.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Distributed Computing Environment, Grid Computing Environment, Dynamic Load Balancing, Throughput, Response Time, Fault Tolerant, Network Overhead.

ISSN: 2347-5552

EISSN: 2347-5552


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