

Da Epistemologia da Interpretação à Ontologia da Compreensão: Gadamer e a tradição como background para o engajamento no mundo (ou: uma crítica ao juiz solipsista tupiniquim) / From the Epistemology of Interpretation to the Ontology of Comprehension

The present paper has as the object the hermeneutic philosophy proposed in the works of Hans-Georg Gadamer. His position has the prejudice generated by men about the object to be interpreted as basis, and then it is introduced in a circle which goes from the text to the interpret and back to the text to find one element that enriches the interpretation, in each circular movement, until it reaches a fusion of horizons, in which, the interpret assimilates the content of the text, making it part of himself, however, without causing the text to lose its own autonomy; it is the same to say that the man interprets the text from his own history, time, culture, circumstance, from his own horizon, to bring to himself the essence of the horizon of the text. In this sense, the present text aims at approaching the gadamerian thesis according to daily practice of the jurists, by examining some already judged cases.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Hermeneutics. Interpretation. Hermeneutic Circle. Juridical Interpretation.

ISSN: 2179-8966


EOI/DOI: 10.12957/dep.2015.11159

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