

Multiparadigmatic and Interdisciplinary Character of Modern Linguistic Directions

The relevance of this article is associated with the development of modern linguistic science in the context of multiparadigmatic and interdisciplinary character. This is evidenced by the appearance of a number of syncretic disciplines, among which the leading position was taken by cognitive linguistic and cultural linguistics. The topic is focused on issues of multiparadigmatic and interdisciplinary character requiring the development of new material and techniques of linguistic analysis. It should be noted that multiparadigmatic character, including traditional (comparative-historical, systemic-structural) and modern (anthropocentric, teoantropocosmic) paradigm serves as a research platform in language diversity. In turn, this determines the interdisciplinary nature of linguistic learning. The aim of the article is the description of cognitive linguistics as a branch that has arisen within the anthropocentric paradigm and as a result of the controversy with the theory of systemicstructural paradigm. Modern studies of cognitive linguistics to some extent are considered with the data of traditional linguistics. Interdisciplinarity shows the connection of philosophical, cultural,logical, semantic-cognitive and other approaches for consideration of linguistic material. This allows us to explore the features of world view and restore a more complete picture of the world mentality and cultural values of the people. To know the nature of language from the perspective of multiparadigmatic and interdisciplinary character, we use methodology of different aspects of analysis, which is complex and has many signs as a unit of thought and abstraction. The result of our study is an algorithm of language units analysis within existing paradigms, representation of cognitive linguistics as a science combining various aspects related to the prospects of development of conceptual studies as the latest scientific field.

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Keywords: paradigm, multiparadigmatic character, interdisciplinarity, concept, cognitive linguistics, conceptual studies

ISSN: 1996-7853

EISSN: 2542-0038

EOI/DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2016-11-5-1

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