

Modern Russian Literature and the Cultural Paradigm of Hellenism

The article discusses some trends in Russian literature of the late XXth – early XXIst centuries in the context of their conformity with ideological and artistic trends of the period of antiquity, namely, the Hellenistic period. The methodological basis of the work was comparative-historical approach. Many cultural phenomenona of the epoch of Hellenism (multi-ethnicity and multiculturalism, individualism, intellectualism, political apathy, interest in life, skepticism, hedonism and humanism), as reflected in the monuments of the literature of the time, quite clearly relate to the realities of contemporary culture widely represented in fiction of recent decades. The article analyzes the common culture and literature of Hellenism and postmodern trends such as multiculturalism, priority of the personal over the public, doubt about the values first considered sacred, change of the ontological status of man, beginning of the game. Moreover, modern literature as well as the Hellenistic one, is characterized by intertextuality, escapism, and eroticism. Material for observation and comparison are works of classical authors – Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Menander, Theocritus, Gaius Petronius, Apuleius. The texts written by the Russian writers S. Dovlatov, E. Limonov, I. Brodsky, V. Makanin, V. Pelevin, V. Sorokin, A. Ivanov and others are also studied. Productivity in matching similar phenomena of the past and the present is seen in the ability to predict and even simulate the options for the future of culture and literature as one of its forms.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Hellenism, multiethnicity and multiculturalism, desacralization of the myth, Alexandrian school, philology literature, ideationality, “yearning for world culture”, self-portrait literature

ISSN: 1996-7853

EISSN: 2542-0038

EOI/DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2016-11-5-2

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