The exposure to radiation from medical procedures has become a topic of recent public and scientific discussion. Strict adherence to the radiation exposure guidelines is mandatory when using X-rays for disease detection in order to minimize its harmful effects. Aim: The main aim of this study was to assess radiology health workers\' knowledge, practices, and attitudes of radiation protection precautions in Makkah City, Saudi Arabia. Subjects and methods: Descriptive cross section research design was used in the conduction of this study in different governmental and private hospitals. Random sample 283radiology health workers were participated in this study. One standardized questionnaire was used. Results: The majority of studied participants had good knowledge, practices, and attitudes regarding radiation protection precautions in Makkah City, Saudi Arabia. Conclusions: The present study\'s findings revealed that, the highest percentages of study participants were aware about radiation protection precautionsin Makkah City, Saudi Arabia. Recommendations: Designing and implementing a comprehensive training program to all healthcare workers as doctors, nurses and all personnel contact with radiology area. Replication of the study on larger sample and different healthcare workers will be beneficial to decrease health hazards associated with radiation.
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Author Name: Mervat E. A. El Dahshan , Nagwan El hussein , Haneen S. Sahrah , Mohammed A. Almehmadi , Abdul rahman K. Alzahrani , Ahmad M. Baqasi and Meshari T. Al hazmi.
Keywords: Healthcare Workers Knowledge Attitudes and Practices.
ISSN: 2320-5407
EISSN: 2320-5407
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