

Browse Result: Found 4144


Journal of Management and Islamic Finance

Journal of Management and Islamic Finance (JMIF) published by Department of Master Islamic Business Management, Postgraduate Program, State Institute for…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:1099

Journal of Insect Biodiversity and Systematics

Journal of Insect Biodiversity and Systematics (JIBS) is an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to all aspects of insects and other…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:2922

Journal of Biometry Studies

Journal of Biometry Studies (JofBS) publishes articles on statistical and mathematical methods in life and natural sciences (health, biotechnology, agriculture,…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:847

Journal of Academic Opinion

Journal of Academic Opinion (JAO) is a journal which is published digitally twice a year, in July and December, in…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:662

Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices

Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices provides the opportunity to the authors and Educators to publish their original research articles…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:960

Journal of Spectroscopy and Molecular Sciences

The Journal of Spectroscopy and Molecular Sciences (JSMS) is an international and interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the publication of cutting-edge…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:398

Journal of Mediterranean Tourism Research (JOMETR)

Journal of Mediterranean Tourism Research is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes genuine international articles on the main field of…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:548

Journal of Tourism Sustainability

Journal of Tourism Sustainability (JTOS) E-ISSN 2798-8333 is a double blind review journal published by Politeknik Negeri Bandung. It focuses…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:322

JUMORA: Jurnal Moderasi Olahraga

Jurnal Moderasi Olahraga (JUMORA) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal. To that extent, it clarifies the ethical behaviour of all parties…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:806

Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Ichthyology)

Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Ichthyology), is a scientific journal published by the Indonesian Ichthyological Society. Initially, Jurnal Iktiologi…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:820


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