

Browse Result: Found 4144


Journal of Research Cañetana

Revista de Investigación Cañetana es una revista científica arbitrada y producida por la Universidad Nacional de Cañete; es publicada semestralmente…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:471

Journal of Arteoloji

Journal of Arteoloji is an open-access, international referee e-journal published biannually in April and October. All responsibility for articles published…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:718

Journal of Interdisciplinary Debates

The mission of Journal of Interdisciplinary Debates (JID) is intended to inform the academic community and society through relevant research…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:350

Journal of Sustainable Business, Economics and Finance

Journal of Sustainable Business, Economics and Finance (JOSBEF) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, international, multidisciplinary, covering business, economics, finance and other…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:496

Journal of Intelligent Computing and Mathematics

Journal of Intelligent Computing and Mathematics is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:363

Journal of Intelligent Mechanics and Automation

Journal of Intelligent Mechanics and Automation is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:306

Journal of Aquaculture In The Tropics

Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics is one of the most popular international journal which is published quarterly. Basically, aquaculture…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:811

Journal of Urban Development Studies (JUDS)

The Journal of Urban Development Studies (JUDS) is a biannual double-blind peer-reviewed journal established by the College of Urban Development…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:905

Journal of Technology and Literacy in Education

Journal of Technology and Literacy in Education merupakan jurnal yang mempublikasi artikel artikel-artikel ilmiah tentang Perkembangan teori dan teknik pengajaran…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:642

Journal Foco

Its main objective is to enhance internationalization and, fundamentally, to build a new space for the international insertion and dissemination…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:1684


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