RJDS is a peer reviewed scientific journal published by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences which is a premier…
Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:764RGUHS Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences devoted to publishing the research articles and review articles depicting the present status and trends…
Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:537RGUHS Journal of AYUSH Sciences (RJAS) is the Journal for AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy) sciences published by…
Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:581The RGUHS Journal for Nursing Sciences (RJNS) is the official publication of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. The journal…
Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:586The journal focuses primarily on the development of a multilingual personality, teaching languages to young learners, psycholinguistic aspects of multilingualism,…
Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:461Relations. Beyond Anthropocentrism is a peer-refereed journal of trans-anthropocentric ethics and related inquires. The main aim of the journal is…
Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:480La Revista Jurídica Crítica y Derecho, entrega a la sociedad su primera publicación, la misma, es un resultado del trabajo…
Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:684RinTVET: Research in Technical and Vocational Education and Training is an international, peer-reviewed, and open access journal that promotes a…
Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:415RAM is an academic platform for academics, researchers, and practitioners to express their perspectives on aviation management. Our journal accepts…
Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:472La Revue Internationale des Sciences de Gestion est une revue évaluée par des pairs (blind peer review) en libre accès…
Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:4207