Non - communicable diseases like cancer are responsible for major social and health burden as millions of people are dying…
PRIKAZ/REVIEW Fikret Karcic, PRAVNO-HISTORIJSKE STUDIJE, Centar za napredne studije, Sarajevo 2016, 192 str.
At the National Center of Oncology of Nouakchott, the external radiotherapy treatments are performed using a linear accelerator particles of…
With time, tourism has evolved in terms of its types, purposes, scale and dimension and thereby influenced the habitat, economy…
This article analyzes the various materials and articles on the issue of tolerance. New data in this area. Different principles…
Background: Biological soil crusts (BSCs) that are able to produce sticky extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) play an important role in…
Fruits are widely exposed to microbial contamination through contact with soil, dust, water and handling at harvest, during or postharvest…
This paper presents a study of how education differs from qualification. Both are very important to make somebody successful in…
O presente estudo objetiva analisar a redução da maioridade penal como política criminal para diminuição da criminalidade juvenil. Esta possibilidade…
Anaemia is a severe public health problem in India. Dietary diversification is one of the most important long term strategy…