Impact Factor

ABOUT International Journal of Mental Health Promotion

This title has ceased (2018). The first journal of its kind in the field, IJMHP publishes materials of distinction, making it essential reading for those with a professional or personal interest in mental health promotion. IJMHP co-ordinates the dissemination of new research outcomes to all those involved in policy making and the implementation of mental health promotion and mental disorder prevention policies. This makes it indispensable to clinical/medical staff, health services researchers, managers, health promoters, educationalists, sociologists, health economists and practitioners from all branches of health and social care, publishing materials by and for all these communities. IJMHP is an official publication of the Clifford Beers Foundation, who work to promote mental health and prevent mental disorders through dissemination of knowledge, training partnerships and consultation. The journal is peer reviewed by an expert international board and acts as a comprehensive information resource designed to increase awareness, foster understanding and promote collaboration between the different disciplines engaged in this diverse activity of study.


  • 1462-3730
  • Medicine
  • 2015-ongoing
  • United Kingdom


YEAR Impact Factor
2023-24 1
2022 0.0
2021 1.086


International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 1462-3730, 2015-ongoing, Medicine.

Directory Indexing of International Research Journals