ABANICO VETERINARIO is the international journal of veterinary and zootechnical sciences, peer-reviewed by double-blind, open access, continuous publication, present in index, repositories and directories for greater visibility and increase in citations; ISSN account for printed format 2007-428X, for internet web format 2448-6132 and DOI 10.21929 / abavet, with web https://abanicoacademico.mx/revistasabanico/index.php/abanico-veterinario/index. Its objective is to publish original articles, case studies, technological developments, clinical cases, education policies and literature reviews made in Mexico and anywhere in the world. Time of receipt and accepted between three and six months. It disseminates scientific and technological information with the following themes: animal, veterinary, veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, livestock, livestock economy, animal production, wild animals, and aquatic animals. The publisher is a physical person: Sergio Martínez González, with RFC MAGS690517979. Send the manuscripts to abanicoveterinario@gmail.com. As an Open Access Journal, authors will pay for each publication. This payment includes the translation into English, Portuguese or/and Spanish..
YEAR | Impact Factor |
2020-21 | 0.98 |
2019 | |
2018 | - |
Abanico Veterinario, 2007-428X/2448-6132, started opeartions from Mexico in year 2011, publish paper in Agriculture (General) Annual.