Al-Bidayah: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Islam is periodical scientific journals published by the Study Program of Islamic Elementary Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education, State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga since 2009, in collaboration with the Association Lecturers Study Program of Islamic Elementary Education (PD-PGMI) Indonesia. Al-Bidayah: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Islam, published biannually in June and December. Uses Zotero as citation manager and uses Plagiarism Checker & Turnitin as screening for plagiarism, and has been indexed by Garuda, Moraref, ICI Copernicus, BASE, Google Scholar, WorldCat,, Citefactor, ISJD, One Search Indonesia,, KUDOS, and has become member since 2017, so all its article has its unique DOI number. Focus of the Al-Bidayah: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Islam publication is on various issues found in the field of Islamic Basic Education, both as material objects and or as formal objects. We invite scientists, academics, researches, practitioners, and observers in the field of Islamic Basic Education to publish the results of their researchs in our journal, the articles are focussed including: 1. Development and Design of Learning in Islamic Elementary Education 2. Learning Strategy in Islamic Elementary Education 3. Evaluation of Learning in Islamic Elementary Education 4. Management of Basic Education in Islamic Elementary Education 5. Inclusive Education in Islamic Elementary Education 6. Integration and Interconnection Based Research on Basic Education 7. Professionalism of Teachers in Islamic Elementary Education 8. Use of Information and Digital Technology on Islamic Elementary Education.
YEAR | Impact Factor |
2020-21 | 0.4 |
2019 | |
2018 | - |
Al-Bidayah: Journal of Islamic Primary Education, -/2549-3388, started opeartions from Indonesia in year 2009, publish paper in Education Semiannual.