DJ Journal of English Language and Literature is an International double blind peer reviewed journal. DJ JELAL is a premier resource for original linguistic research based on data drawn from the English language, encompassing a broad theoretical and methodological scope. Highlighting theoretically and technologically innovative scholarship, DJ JELAL provides in-depth research and analysis in a variety of areas, including History of English, English Grammar, Corpus Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, American Literature, Ariel, Australian Literary Studies, Canadian Literature, Comparative Literature, Eighteenth Century Studies, English Literary History, Essays in Criticism, F.
YEAR | Impact Factor |
2020-21 | 1.18 |
2019 | 0.3 |
2018 | - |
DJ Journal of English Language and Literature, -/2456-2327, started opeartions from India in year 2016, publish paper in Languages and Literatures Bimonthly.