Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology(IJPP) is an open-access, peer reviewed, online and print Journal published quarterly by IP Innovative Publication Private Limited. The first issue of the journal was published in 2014. The journal publishes articles based on all aspects of basic research/clinical studies related to the field of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. Scientists and researchers can get information about the latest and up to date research carried out in these fields. Aim & Scope: Aim of this journal is to serve as a platform for the dissemination of innovative research in all areas of pharmacy and pharmacology. The target audience of the journal comprises both researchers and practitioners. All manuscripts go through a rigorous peer review process. IJPP keeps pace with new and advanced research related to optimization of drug action by using new technologies. At the same time, the journal maintains its established and well-respected core strengths in areas such as pharmacy practices, social pharmacy, experimental pharmacy, pharmacy education, pharmaceutical marketing, clinical pharmacology, experimental pharmacology, clinical trials, medical education in pharmacology Pharmaceutics, drug delivery, experimental & clinical pharmacology, biopharmaceutics, drug disposition, and drugs from natural sources. The journal is beneficial for students, researchers, academicians, policymakers and administrators. The emphasis is on publishing quality articles rapidly and freely available to researchers worldwide. IJPP provides a platform for dissemination of the latest scientific information in the relevant fields in the most accurate manner with the major emphasis on timely publication. .
YEAR | Impact Factor |
2020-21 | 0.38 |
2019 | |
2018 | - |
Indian Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmacology, 2393-9079/2393-9087, started opeartions from India in year 2014, publish paper in Pharmacy and materia medica Quarterly.