Impact Factor


Business, Economics and Management Perspectives is a peer reviewed online international journal published two times a year. Articles may be written in Turkish and English. Journal aims to publish articles contributing theoretically and empirically to the field. All articles submitted to the journal should not have been published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted are firstly taken into evaluation by editorial board in terms of their original contribution to the field, use of scientific expressions and compliance with writing rules. Provided that articles meet the preliminary evaluation requirements, they are sent to three anonymous referees. Names of both the referees and the author are kept confidential in this process. In line with the referee reports, editorial board decides whether to publish the article or not. Scientific responsibility for the articles belongs to the authors themselves. Published articles could be cited in other publications provided that full reference is given. After publication, the copyrights of the articles belong to the Business, Economics and Management Perspectives. No copyright fee is paid to the authors. Articles published in this journal cannot be published elsewhere and/or copied without the consent of the Business, Economics and Management Perspectives. .


  • 2458-8997/2458-8997
  • Business and Management
  • Semiannual
  • Turkey


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 1.47
2018 -


International Journal of Business Economics and Management Perspectives, 2458-8997/2458-8997, started opeartions from Turkey in year 2016, publish paper in Business and Management Semiannual.

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