International Journal of Pharmaceutics & Pharmacology has vast scopes including Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Novel drug delivery systems, Targeted drug delivery, Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, Nanoparticles, Biopharmaceutics, Prodrug design, In vitro evaluation, In vivo evaluation, Ex vivo evaluation of plant extracts and formulations etc. All Published Work is Licensed under a creative commons attribution 4.0 international license .This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited. International Journal of Pharmaceutics & Pharmacology supports the Open Access initiative. We believe in giving the maximum expo.
YEAR | Impact Factor |
2020-21 | 1.33 |
2019 | 0.43 |
2018 | - |
International Journal of Pharmaceutics & Pharmacology, -/2581-3080, started opeartions from India in year 2017, publish paper in Multidisciplinary Quarterly.