Impact Factor


The Journal MIX Sustentável is interdisciplinary, focusing on sustainability applied to projects, especially in the areas of Architecture and Urbanism, Engineering and Design. The creation of the journal was based on the perception that the theme “sustainability applied in projects” was dispersed in the various thematic sessions of the events, with scientific publications pulverized in several Journals. In the sessions of the events, practical applications were common. Some of these aplications was deply focused philosophical and scientific concepts of issues associated with sustainability; but some of them was relied on practical experimentation and use of empirical knowledge, the res.


  • 24470899/24473073
  • Multidisciplinary
  • Quarterly
  • Brazil


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 0.76
2019 0.3
2018 -


MIX Sustentavel, 24470899/24473073, started opeartions from Brazil in year 2015, publish paper in Multidisciplinary Quarterly.

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