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ABOUT Stoma Edu J

The Stomatology Edu Journal, ISSN (printed) 2360-2406, ISSN (on-line) 2502-0285, ISSN-L 2360-2406, is a scientific magazine of the Romanian Association of Oral Rehabilitation and Posturotherapy – ROPOSTURO, a partner of the FDI regular member, the Romanian Society of Stomatology – RSS (founded in 1923) under the aegis of The Romanian Academy. Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J) is a new international dental journal whose main purpose is to inform researchers, educators, graduates, postgraduates and practitioners about the latest trends in the field, which followed, would bring immediate and lasting benefits to the patients; and about opinions of the most authorized specialists on what is best in current practice, for the good of both, patient and dentist. The Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J) is an English language international, multidisciplinary, double blind peer-reviewed, open access journal which is database indexed, which accepts original articles for publication in all aspects of dental development and research, meant to contribute to the development and completion of the medical training of practitioners as Dr. Greene Vardiman Black stated: “the professional man has no right to be other than a continual student”..


  • 2360-2406/2502-0285
  • Medicine (General)
  • Quarterly
  • Romania


2019-20 1.10 120
2018-19 - - -


Stomatology Edu Journal, 2360-2406/2502-0285, started opeartions from Romania in year 2014, publish paper in Medicine (General) Quarterly.

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