The publication was founded in March 2017. ISSN (Print) 2522-1892 ISSN (Online) 2522-1930 The purpose of scientific and technical journal "technogenic and ecological safety" is to enable researchers, doctoral students, graduate students (Associate) and experts publish their experimental and theoretical research in science, engineering and technology aimed at providing technological and environmental safety (engineering science) . Scientific and technical journal is an advanced platform for experts in the field of science and technology. Journal "Technogenic and ecological safety" publishes original articles and research policy supports open access to published materials, providing rese.
YEAR | Impact Factor |
2020-21 | 1.22 |
2019 | 1.5 |
2018 | - |
Technogenic and ecological safety, 2522-1892/2522-1930, started opeartions from Ukraine in year 2017, publish paper in Environmental Sciences Annual.