During the past few years, technology has significantly reshaped the method of assessment. Educational measurement has been moving towards the use of CBT. The underlying purpose of this research is to evaluate the significance of students‟ access to a computer; students' attitude; students‟ perception; computer literacy skills and CBT acceptability as it affect secondary school student‟s preparedness for UTME-CBT. Data were collected with questionnaires distributed to 367 intending UTME candidates in Kwara State, using accidental sampling technique. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach was adopted in understanding the respondents‟ preparedness process. The empirical evidence was based on a model fit from the result of factor analysis, regression analysis, and chi-square goodness-of-fit statistics. The result revealed that students‟ access to a computer (.014), students‟ attitude (.051), students‟ perception (.021), and CBT acceptability (.076) were significant at p < 0.05 hence these variables has an impact on secondary school students‟ preparedness for UTME-CBT. While students‟ computer literacy skills (.657), on the other hand, does not have an impact on their preparedness for UTME-CBT. It was recommended that government should make computers available and accessible to students at the primary and secondary school levels to enable them to learn and practice computer skills. It was also recommended that JAMB should provide tutorial packages on UTME to schools for students to practice before the actual examination. .
YEAR | Impact Factor | CITATIONS | PAPERS |
2019-20 | 0.01 | 1 | |
2018-19 | - | - | - |
VARIABLES THAT MAY DETERMINE SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ PREPAREDNESS FOR UTME-CBT, 2320-9186/-, started opeartions from Nigeria in year 2019, publish paper in Computer Science Monthly.