Optimization Methods and Software publishes refereed papers on the latest developments in the theory and realization of optimization methods, with particular emphasis on the interface between software development and algorithm design. Topics include: ■Theory, implementation and performance evaluation of algorithms and computer codes for linear, nonlinear, discrete, stochastic optimization and optimal control. This includes in particular conic, semi-definite, mixed integer, network, non-smooth, multi-objective and global optimization by deterministic or nondeterministic algorithms. ■Algorithms and software for complementarity, variational inequalities and equilibrium problems, and also for solving inverse problems, etc.
YEAR | Impact Factor |
2023-24 | 1.4 |
2022 | NA |
2021 | 2.152 |
OPTIMIZATION METHODS & SOFTWARE, 1029-4937, 1992-ongoing, Computer Science,Mathematics.