
Getting Your Journal Indexed
Date: 08th May, 2014
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Date: 22nd September, 2012
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Date: 20th July, 2009



Impact Factor List 2014

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Impact Factor 2014
INDEX JOURNAL ISSN 2013/2014 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
INDEX JOURNAL ISSN 2013/2014 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
3278 G3-Genes Genomes Genetics 2160-1836 2.511 1.794 - - - -
3279 Gaceta Medica de Mexico 0016-3813 0.191 0.128 0.221 0.196 0.174 -
3280 Gaceta Sanitaria 0213-9111 1.25 1.116 1.326 1.114 1.172 -
3281 GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 0940-5550 1.25 1.197 - - - -
3282 Gait & Posture 0966-6362 2.299 1.969 2.123 2.313 2.576 2.743
3283 Gastric Cancer 1436-3291 4.828 3.989 2.421 1.897 2.614 -
3284 Gastroenterologie Clinique Et Biologique 0399-8320 - 1.14 0.799 0.726 0.928 1.033
3285 Gastroenterologia y Hepatologia 0210-5705 0.832 0.567 0.727 - - -
3286 Gastroenterology Research and Practice 1687-6121 1.502 1.615 0.978 0.509 - -
3287 Gastroenterology Clinics Of North America 0889-8553 1.919 3 2.618 2.392 2.558 2.293
3288 Gastroenterology Nursing 1042-895X 0.561 0.469 0.705 0.549 0.465 0.538
3289 Gastroenterology 0016-5085 13.926 12.821 11.675 12.032 12.899 12.591
3290 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 0016-5107 4.9 5.21 4.878 5.608 6.713 7.367
3291 Gayana Botanica 0717-6643 0.258 0.457 - - - -
3292 Gayana 0717-6538 0.267 0.294 - - - -
3293 Global Change Biology Bioenergy 1757-1693 4.248 4.714 3.617 2.419 - -
3294 Geburtshilfe Und Frauenheilkunde 0016-5751 0.962 0.848 0.823 0.342 0.354 0.35
3295 Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung Der Luft 0949-8036 0.378 0.348 0.478 0.261 0.217 0.211
3296 Gefasschirurgie 0948-7034 - 0.235 0.236 0.204 0.362 -
3297 Gematologiya I Transfuziologiya 0234-5730 0.101 0.012 0.089 0.033 0.068 0.107
3298 Gems & Gemology 0016-626X 0.778 - - 1.541 0.97 1.172
3299 General And Comparative Endocrinology 0016-6480 2.674 2.823 3.267 3.108 2.732 2.654
3300 General Hospital Psychiatry 0163-8343 2.898 2.977 2.744 2.777 2.669 2.229
3301 General Physiology And Biophysics 0231-5882 0.875 0.852 1.192 1.146 0.741 0.697
3302 General Relativity And Gravitation 0001-7701 1.725 1.902 2.069 2.538 2.616 1.803
3303 Gender Medicine 1550-8579 1.554 1.69 2.101 1.83 1.598 -
3304 Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 1045-2257 3.836 3.546 3.306 3.99 3.858 3.925
3305 Genes & Development 0890-9369 12.639 12.444 11.659 12.889 12.075 13.623
3306 Gene Expression Patterns 1567-133X 1.356 1.64 2.016 2.052 2.076 2.112
3307 Gene Expression 1052-2166 1.667 2.235 1.308 1.714 1.548 1.487
3308 Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology 1529-9120 0.429 0.724 0.717 0.836 0.567
3309 Gene Therapy 0969-7128 4.196 4.321 3.71 4.538 4.745 4.492
3310 Gene 0378-1119 2.082 2.196 2.341 2.266 2.416 2.578
3311 Genes Brain And Behavior 1601-1848 3.505 3.597 3.476 4.061 3.795 3.89
3312 Genes To Cells 1356-9597 2.855 2.731 2.68 2.889 2.952 3.137
3313 Genes & Genetic Systems 1341-7568 0.87 1.132 0.952 1.273 1.391 1.433
3314 Genes & Genomics 1976-9571 0.565 0.497 0.442 0.453 0.148 0
3315 Genes And Immunity 1466-4879 3.789 3.675 3.872 4.367 4.222 4.006
3316 Genes and Nutrition 1555-8932 3.419 3.329 2.507 3.015 1.112 0.451
3317 Genesis 1526-968X 2.042 2.584 2.527 2.395 2.223 2.217
3318 Genetic Counseling 1015-8146 0.537 0.316 0.505 0.395 0.543 0.422
3319 Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News 1935-472X - 0.084 0.065 0.068 0.07 0.064
3320 Genetic Epidemiology 0741-0395 2.951 4.015 3.441 3.988 3.09 2.203
3321 Genetics In Medicine 1098-3600 6.435 5.56 4.762 5.28 3.922 3.716
3322 Genetics And Molecular Biology 1415-4757 0.876 0.744 0.634 0.796 0.583 0.576
3323 Genetics And Molecular Research 1676-5680 0.85 0.994 1.184 1.013 0.844 0.682
3324 Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 1389-2576 1.065 1.333 1 1.167 1.091 -
3325 Genetical Research 0016-6723 2.2 2 1.712 1.747 1.25 1.778
3326 Genetic Resources And Crop Evolution 0925-9864 1.482 1.593 1.554 1.538 1.238 0.967
3327 Genetics Selection Evolution 0999-193X 3.747 2.859 2.885 1.484 1.402 1.256
3328 Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers 1945-0265 1.147 1.444 1.11 0.879 -
3329 Genetic Testing 1090-6576 - - - 1.645 1.17 1.12
3330 Genetica 0016-6707 1.746 1.681 2.148 2.358 2.092 1.98
3331 Genetics 1943-2631 4.866 4.389 4.007 4.087 3.889 4.002
3332 Genetika-Belgrade 0534-0012 0.492 0.372 0.44 - - -
3333 Genome Biology and Evolution 1759-6653 4.532 4.759 4.618 2.674 - -
3334 Genome Biology 1465-6906 10.465 10.288 9.036 6.885 - -
3335 Genome Medicine 1756-994X 4.942 3.397 - - - -
3336 Genome Research 1088-9051 13.852 14.397 13.608 13.588 11.342 10.176
3337 Genome 0831-2796 1.558 1.668 1.653 1.662 1.709 1.713
3338 Genomics 0888-7543 2.793 3.01 3.019 3.327 3.327 3.075
3339 Geo-Marine Letters 0276-0460 2.062 1.852 1.472 1.73 1.552 1.186
3340 Geoarabia 1025-6059 1.381 1 1.4 2.026 1.049 0.875
3341 Geoarchaeology-An International Journal 0883-6353 1.672 1.029 0.87 0.886 1.176 0.766
3342 Geobiology 1472-4677 3.692 3.042 4.111 3.207 2.603 3.596
3343 Geobios 0016-6995 1.187 1.052 1.01 0.868 0.904 1.089
3344 Geocarto International 1010-6049 0.897 0.575 - - - -
3345 Geochemistry-Exploration Environment Analysis 1467-7873 1.196 1 0.71 0.698 1 0.276
3346 Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 1525-2027 3.054 2.939 3.021 3.368 2.626 2.979
3347 Geochemistry International 0016-7029 0.53 0.471 0.46 0.655 0.502 0.367
3348 Geochemical Journal 0016-7002 1.942 0.758 0.711 0.802 0.783 0.798
3349 Geochemical Perspectives 2223-7755 8.25 - - - - -
3350 Geochemical Transactions 1467-4866 2.647 1.5 1.5 1.92 2.346 2.125
3351 Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 0016-7037 4.25 3.884 4.259 4.101 4.385 4.235
3352 Geochronometria 1733-8387 1.243 1.653 0.425 0.86 0.656 0.318
3353 Geod List 0016-710X - - - 0.038 0.167 -
3354 Geoderma 0016-7061 2.509 2.345 2.318 2.176 2.461 2.068
3355 Geodinamica Acta 0985-3111 0.722 - 0.471 0.452 0.6 1.058
3356 Geodiversitas 1280-9659 0.825 0.927 1.266 0.986 0.635 0.979
3357 Geofisica Internacional 0016-7169 0.407 0.218 0.574 0.449 0.534 -
3358 Geofizika 0352-3659 0.37 0.385 0.789 0.5 0.5 -
3359 Geofluids 1468-8115 1.431 2.379 1.5 1.268 1.533 1.293
3360 Geografiska Annaler Series A-Physical Geography 0435-3676 1.564 1.667 1.109 1.042 1.041 1.042
3361 Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria 0391-9838 0.39 0.605 0.468 0.309 - -
3362 Geoheritage 1867-2477 1.674 - - - - -
3363 Geoinformatica 1384-6175 1.288 1 1.143 1.357 1.225 1.098
3364 Geologica Acta 1695-6133 1.483 1.262 1.672 1.474 1.226 2.245
3365 Geologica Belgica 1374-8505 0.636 1.041 0.773 0.645 0.655 0.522
3366 Geologica Carpathica 1335-0552 0.835 1.143 0.787 0.909 0.963 1.081
3367 Geologia Croatica 1330-030X 0.5 0.511 0.575 - - -
3368 Geological Journal 0072-1050 1.612 1.659 1.342 1.076 1.333 1.569
3369 Geological Magazine 0016-7568 2.177 2.27 1.764 2.207 2.059 1.853
3370 Geology Of Ore Deposits 1075-7015 0.389 0.318 0.29 0.368 0.331 0.314
3371 Geological Quarterly 1641-7291 0.865 0.761 0.844 0.5 0.58 0.892
3372 Geological Society Of America Bulletin 0016-7606 4.398 4.286 3.787 3.637 3.101 3.032
3373 Geological Survey Of Denmark And Greenland Bulletin 1604-8156 0.405 0.457 0.087 - - -
3374 Geology 0091-7613 4.638 4.087 3.612 4.026 4.368 3.887
3375 Geometric And Functional Analysis 1016-443X 1.319 1.574 1.246 1.296 1.313 1.024
3376 Geometry & Topology 1465-3060 0.817 0.974 1.295 - - -
3377 Geomagnetism And Aeronomy 0016-7932 0.51 0.332 - - - -
3378 Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk 1947-5705 0.622 0.977 - - - -
3379 Geomechanics and Engineering 2005-307X 0.35 0.244 - - - -
3380 Geometriae Dedicata 0046-5755 0.469 0.465 0.364 0.364 0.661 0.428
3381 Geomicrobiology Journal 0149-0451 1.804 1.608 2.017 1.83 1.708 1.495
3382 Geomorphologie-Relief Processus Environnement 1266-5304 0.633 0.646 0.689 0.368 0.282 0.452
3383 Geomorphology 0169-555X 2.577 2.552 2.52 2.352 2.119 2.339
3384 Geophysical And Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 0309-1929 0.924 1.186 1 0.831 1.604 1.56
3385 Geophysical Journal International 0956-540X 2.724 2.853 2.42 2.411 2.435 2.219
3386 Geophysical Prospecting 0016-8025 1.506 1.36 1.315 1.493 1.772 0.852
3387 Geophysical Research Letters 0094-8276 4.456 3.982 3.792 3.505 3.204 2.959
3388 Geophysics 0016-8033 1.759 1.723 1.418 1.404 1.662 1.349
3389 Georgian Mathematical Journal 1072-947X 0.34 0.253 0.262 0.411 0.353 -
3390 Geoscience Canada 0315-0941 1.121 0.214 0.056 0.061 0.75 0.25
3391 Geosciences Journal 1226-4806 0.519 0.618 0.744 0.612 0.671 0.412
3392 Geoscientific Model Development 1991-959X 6.086 5.03 3.237 1.591 - -
3393 Geospatial Health 1827-1987 1 1.648 3 1.705 1.583 1.472
3394 Geosphere 1553-040X 2.372 2.023 2.12 2 1.681 1.627
3395 Geostandards And Geoanalytical Research 1639-4488 3.792 2.77 2 3.015 2.061 2.463
3396 Geosynthetics International 1072-6349 1.174 1.227 1.08 1.065 - -
3397 Geotechnique Letters 2049-825X 1.612 - - - - -
3398 Geotechnical Testing Journal 0149-6115 0.605 0.246 0.505 0.558 0.526 0.462
3399 Geotechnique 0016-8505 1.67 1.481 1.461 0.92 1.069 1.197
3400 Geotectonics 0016-8521 0.714 0.746 0.754 0.9 1 0.738
3401 Geotextiles And Geomembranes 0266-1144 2.376 2.159 2.036 2.59 4.039 3.701
3402 Geothermics 0375-6505 2.86 1.74 1.919 0.896 1 0.667
3403 Geotimes 0016-8556 - - - - - 0.081
3404 German Journal of Agricultural Economics 0002-1121 0.275 - - - - -
3405 Geriatrics & Gerontology International 1444-1586 1.575 2.167 2.164 1.782 0.717 -
3406 Geriatric Nursing 0197-4572 0.922 0.881 0.844 1.045 0.789 0.512
3407 Geriatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie de Vieillissement 2115-8789 0.404 0.469 - - -
3408 Geriatrics 0016-867X - - 1.345 1.101 1.012 0.884
3409 Gerodontology 0734-0664 0.806 1.828 1.033 1.218 1.014 -
3410 Gerontology 0304-324X 2.681 2.676 2.777 2.203 1.661 1.69
3411 Gesunde Pflanzen 0367-4223 0.333 0.229 0.348 0.531 0.359 -
3412 Gff 1103-5897 0.707 1.378 0.977 0.976 0.702 1.012
3413 Gineco Ro 1841-4435 - - 0.046 0.053 - -
3414 Ginecol Obstet Clin 1695-3827 - - 0 0.054 0 -
3415 Ginekologia Polska 0017-0011 0.675 0.786 0.411 0.367 - -
3416 Giornale Italiano Di Dermatologia E Venereologia 0392-0488 0.491 0.679 - - - -
3417 GIScience & Remote Sensing 1548-1603 1.48 1.433 0.642 1 0.957 0.707
3418 Glasnik Matematicki 0017-095X 0.247 0.406 0.302 0.475 - -
3419 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 0017-0895 0.309 0.435 0.571 0.408 0.629 0.276
3420 Glass And Ceramics 0361-7610 0.376 0.183 0.343 0.23 0.286 0.235
3421 Glass Physics And Chemistry 1087-6596 0.532 0.339 0.492 0.434 0.434 0.368
3422 Glass Technology-European Journal Of Glass Science And Technology Part A 1753-3546 0.441 0.729 0.512 0.457 0.381 0.529
3423 Glia 0894-1491 5.466 5.066 4.82 5.186 4.932 5.599
3424 Global Biogeochemical Cycles 0886-6236 4.528 4.682 4.785 5.263 4.294 4.09
3425 Global Change Biology 1354-1013 8.224 6.91 6.862 6.346 5.561 5.876
3426 Global Ecology And Biogeography 1466-822X 7.242 7.223 5.145 5.273 5.913 5.304
3427 Global Environmental Change-Human And Policy Dimensions 0959-3780 6 5.236 6.868 4.918 3.34 3.955
3428 Global Health Action 1654-9880 1.646 2.062 1.267 - - -
3429 Global NEST Journal 1790-7632 0.66 0.698 0.536 0.45 0.565 -
3430 Global And Planetary Change 0921-8181 3.707 3.155 2.93 3.351 3.272 2.67
3431 Globalization and Health 1744-8603 1.833 1.485 2.65 - - -
3432 Glycobiology 0959-6658 3.747 3.537 3.58 3.791 3.929 4.446
3433 Glycoconjugate Journal 0282-0080 1.948 1.882 2.117 2.7 2.5 1.743
3434 Gold Bulletin 0017-1557 1.84 2.434 3.517 2.719 2.324 2
3435 Gondwana Research 1342-937X 8.122 7.396 6.659 5.503 4.605 3.728
3436 Gorteria 0017-2294 0 0.133 0.167 0.2 0.4 -
3437 Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi-Mineral Resources Management 0860-0953 0.632 0.342 0.262 0.135 0.103 -
3438 Gps Solutions 1080-5370 2.202 1.429 1.667 1.483 2.04 1.6
3439 Gradevinar 0350-2465 0.216 0.105 0.082 0.047 - -
3440 Graefes Archive For Clinical And Experimental Ophthalmology 0721-832X 2.333 1.932 2.17 2.158 2.102 1.77
3441 Grana 0017-3134 0.936 0.771 0.554 0.842 0.776 0.554
3442 Granular Matter 1434-5021 1.697 1.504 1.755 1.22 - -
3443 Graphs And Combinatorics 0911-0119 0.331 0.351 0.319 0.242 0.571 0.302
3444 Graphical Models 1524-0703 0.967 0.697 1 0.793 0.926 0.913
3445 Grasas Y Aceites 0017-3495 1.08 0.74 1.138 0.748 0.76 0.463
3446 Grass And Forage Science 0142-5242 1.932 1.567 1.099 1.108 1.316 1.378
3447 Grassland Science 1744-6961 0.554 0.5 - - - -
3448 Gravitation & Cosmology 0202-2893 0.491 0.457 0.46 0.562 - -
3449 Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews 1751-8253 1.216 1.392 0.976 - - -
3450 Green Chemistry 1463-9262 6.852 6.828 6.32 5.472 5.836 4.542
3451 Greenhouse Gases-Science and Technology 2152-3878 2.921 2.679 - - - -
3452 Ground Water Monitoring And Remediation 1069-3629 1.25 1.053 0.947 1.23 1.033 0.957
3453 Ground Water 0017-467X 1.953 2.132 1.785 1.371 1.831 1.304
3454 Groups Geometry and Dynamics 1661-7207 0.9 0.867 0.508 0.651 0.75 0.519
3455 Growth Development And Aging 1041-1232 - - - 3 0.25 0.667
3456 Growth Factors 0897-7194 3.088 2.195 1.65 2.8 2.468 2.458
3457 Growth Hormone & Igf Research 1096-6374 1.33 2.256 2.164 2.229 2.352 2.008
3458 Grundwasser 1430-483X 0.946 0.943 0.912 0.257 0.838 0.273
3459 Gut and Liver 1976-2283 1.494 1.314 0.829 0.219 0.167 -
3460 Gut Pathogens 1757-4749 2.07 2.738 2.109 - - -
3461 Gut 0017-5749 13.319 10.732 10.111 10.614 9.357 9.766
3462 Gynecological Endocrinology 0951-3590 1.136 1.303 1.581 1.461 1.36 1.359
3463 Gynecologie Obstetrique & Fertilite 1297-9589 0.581 0.553 0.518 0.67 0.632 -
3464 Gynecologic And Obstetric Investigation 0378-7346 1.251 1.103 1.276 1.031 1.045 1.417
3465 Gynecologic Oncology 0090-8258 3.687 3.929 3.888 3.76 3.733 2.919

Directory Indexing of International Research Journals