UHİVE, International Refereed Journal of Literary Studies was published in 2013. The journal publishes scholarly papers to contribute to literature. It is a refereed journal which publishes three issues in a year: April, August, and December. The journal is published in hard copy and online. The journal covers all sorts of researches and studies in literature. The journal is an international journal which is indexed with and included in many indexes. The referee, and science and advisory board of the journal is composed of qualified and prolific researchers and academicians, experts in the field of literature. The chief editor of the journal is Dr. Ali Murat KIRIK, and the journal acts in accordance with the decisions of the administrative board. The chair of the administrative board is the current chief editor, and the decisions of the administrative board (%51) are implemented. Each paper should have been evaluated by the two field referees and received a favourable report to be published. In each issue, only one manuscript of the same author is included. The papers approved by the two referees and the editorial board are saved to be published in the following issues. None of the authors can exercise power over the referees or the editorial board. In the journal, copyright agreement for the uploaded articles is not signed. The journal holds the copyright of the uploaded articles. Uploaded studies are accepted to be transferred to the journal with exclusive rights. The author and authors accept this and confirm that they will act in accordance with it. It is prerequisite for the academicians and researchers to have received a Ph.D degree and published several studies and articles in their fields so as to be a member of the referee and the science board. The academicians or researchers without a Ph.D degree and any publications in the field cannot be a member of the referee or science and advisory board. The administrative board is the competent authority. The decisions of the administrative board are final and cannot be changed. Without the approval of the administrative board none of the decisions can be implemented. The journal has a claim on rejecting the articles prior to the referee assessment process unilaterally. The chief editor gives the final decision whether to accept or reject the articles which haven’t been sent for referee assessment or to send the articles for assessment. The chief editor does not have to inform the administrative board of this process. The administrative board is the sole authority to accept the researchers to be involved in the referee, science and advisory board. The journal also publishes special editions, including the presented papers, approved by the referees, in the national and international conferences, These issues include only the oral papers presented in the conferences that the journal has an agreement. These papers should have been evaluated and approved by the conference science board and the referees. Full texts of the presentations and the referee approval reports should have been submitted to the chief editor of the journal and the administrative board. The journal will not publish the papers without these documents. The authors are informed of each process in the journal through the system. Since it is a web-based journal, activating their memberships on the internet, the authors can follow this process in the system. In the journal, international APA 5 system is used. Papers which are not prepared within this system will not be accepted. In the journal, no one is privileged. The terms and conditions are the same for everybody; they cannot be changed for anybody. Nobody can demand any privilege, everybody should comply with the terms and conditions. The journal publishes studies and researches in literature, and the journal will not publish the studies out of the scope of literature. The chief editor is the one who manages the referee assessment process. The chief editor has the right to decide and inform in the evaluation process. The inappropriate and disapproved papers by the chief editor will not be published in the journal. In this case, the author/authors cannot impose any sanctions on the journal or any organs. The journal complies with the requirements of Law no. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works. The journal reserves its rights unilaterally against the authors who do not comply with the requirements of Law no. 5846. In case of any problems related to incorrect citation and plagiarism, the author/authors are responsible unilaterally. The journal cannot be held responsible for this, and no one can impose sanctions on the journal. The journal is published in hard copy and online. The main objective of the journal is to provide an intellectual platform for the authors, referees, and the members of science and advisory board who are all welcome to contribute to the development of science within the rules of ethics. The journal does not demand any charge from the authors. The journal is not supposed to send a printed issue to the individuals, authors or institutions. The approved papers are uploaded to the system within the rules of the journal. All the issues in the journal can be downloaded in pdf format.
URL: http://www.uhedergisi.com/
Keywords: Communication, Radio, Television, Media, Literature
ISSN: 21483930
Publisher: Murat KORKMAZ
Year: 2013
Country: Turkey
Views: 9377
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