

Uchenye zapiski Zabaikalʹskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya Filosofiya, Kul’turologiya, Sotsiologiya, Sotsial’nayaRabota. Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Sociology, Social Work

The journal is a collection of original and review scientific papers on the history of philosophy, contemporary philosophical problems and the problems of science and education. The journal presents cultural analysis of the various spheres of human activity, research on material and spiritual culture, theoretical aspect of culture studies, history of culture. The journal covers issues on the theory and history of sociology, discusses the results of sociological research and experimentation in the field of economic, social, political and spiritual life of society in Russia and abroad; demographic aspects, the topical issues of social work are conceptualized. Materials will be interesting to the wide scientific community, university professors, postgraduate students, students, workers in culture and education.


Keywords: Culture studies, history of culture, material and spiritual culture, theory and history of sociology, sociological research and experimentation

ISSN: 2308-877X


Subject: Social Sciences

Publisher: Transbaikal State University, Chita, Russia

Year: 2011

Country: Russia

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