“Diacronia” is an online, bilingual, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research in the field of Humanities, particularly in such areas as diachronic linguistics (historical phonetics and dialectology, historical grammar, etymology, onomasiology, semasiology), philology, sociolinguistics, Bible translation studies, corpus linguistics and anthropology. The Journal covers a variety of topics related to different aspects of the social and cognitive development having an impact on linguistics or through which linguistics can contribute to elevate the wealth of knowledge in other fields. Consequently, the Journal publishes theoretical and applied works – approached from a diachronic perspective – from the fields of linguistics and philology and the neighbouring or connected domains.
URL: http://www.diacronia.ro
Keywords: historical linguistics, philology
ISSN: 2393-1140
Subject: Linguistics
Publisher: Revista Diacronia
Year: 2015
Country: Romania
Views: 3907
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