Euclid, ``Elements''
SCOPUS Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.252 (2013)
SCOPUS SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.605 (2013)
Google Scholar: H-Index: 20↑; G-Index: 31↑; Cites/paper: 2.80↑; Cites/year: 233.17↑
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) system
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics is a mathematical journal for publishing early, high-impact results in the areas of mathematics and computer science/informatics. The journal also emphasizes mathematical articles devoted to the mathematical treatment of questions arising in physics, chemistry, biology, engineering and all applied sciences.
Keywords: mathematics, informatics, science
ISSN: 1311-8080
Subject: Mathematics
Publisher: Academic Publications
Year: 2002
Country: Bulgaria
Views: 11626
Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available
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