

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences 

The Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, which is a part of Recent Science Journals provides a wide range of the highly technological, original, creative and quality publications covering a broad area of research activities in the Civil and Environmental Engineering sciences. It makes the exchange of scientific and practical knowledge; and information among technology professionals. Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles such as review articles, full-length papers, and short communications of original research work. The journal is seeking to provide a platform for engineers and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues in civil and environmental fields. The journal includes a wide range of fields in its discipline to create a platform for the authors to make their contribution towards the journal and the editorial office promises a peer review process for the submitted manuscripts for the quality of publishing.


Keywords: Atmospheric Sciences Biomechanics Coastal and Harbor Engineering Computational Science and Engineering Construction Engineering Control Engineering Earth Science and GPS Earthquake Engineering Engineering Graphics Engineering Mathematics Engineering Mechanics Engineering Physics Environmental Engineering Fluid-solid Structure Interactions Forensic Engineering Geodesy Geophysics Geotechnical Engineering Hydraulic Engineering Material Science Marine Structure Engineering Nanostructure Structural Engineering Surveying and Construction Surveying Transport Engineering Urban Engineering Roads Engineering Public Health Engineering Civil Engineering Design Traffic Engineering Numerical Soil Modeling Tunnel Construction Complete Contour Drilling and Rock Blasting Environmental Chemistry Environmental Fluid Mechanics Environmental Microbiology Wooden Materials Materials Structures & Geosystems Computational Engineering Systems Engineering and Optimization Ocean Engineering Offshore Engineering Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering Structural Mechanics Environmental Chemistry Environmental Sciences Environmental Biology Ecology Geosciences and Environmental Physics Environmental Management Environmental Technologies Environmental Pollution Biogeochemistry Architectural Acoustics Averaging / Multiscale Methods History of Civil Engineering Hydraulic and Hydraulic Structures Building Materials and Structure Hydro Technical Engineering Soil and Structural Dynamics Urban Engineering and Economy Computer Simulation and CAD/CAE Integration of Policies and Research in Waste Sector Case Studies Analysis in Waste Sector Environmental Impact Analysis in the Waste Sector Air Water Soil and Radiological Pollution Control and Management Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control Waste Treatment and Management Treatment Processes for Water and Municipal Agricultural and Industrial Wastewaters and Wastes Air Pollution Control Treatment and Management Solid and Hazardous Waste Treatment Disposal and Management Environmental Quality Standards Environmental Legislations Regulations and Policy Clean Technologies Conservation Recycle and Reuse

ISSN: 2455-488X


Subject: Environmental Sciences

Publisher: Peertechz

Year: 2015

Country: India

Views: 15030 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available

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