IJDI-ERET is an open access peer-reviewed international journal publishing high-quality articles related to all domains of engineering. The Journal is published by Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot, India and has periodicity of six months. All the papers are blind reviewed to ensure the originality and relevance of the work and also to enhance the objectivity and fairness of the review process. The Journal has no publication fee and the accepted papers will be available on-line (free access). Journal in printed form is sent to the subscribers and is also distributed free among selected institutes and organizations for the benefit of the community.
URL: http://www.ijdieret.in/
Keywords: Engineering, Electrical, Electronics, Computer, Mechanical, Civil
ISSN: 2320-7590
Subject: Computer Science
Publisher: Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot, India
Year: 2012
Country: India
Views: 2597
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