JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (JASEM) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal established in 1998 and is published quarterly by the World Bank assisted-National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) at the University of Port Harcourt. The Executive Editor is Prof. Michael Horsfall Jnr and chairman of Editorial advisory board is Prof. Francis D. Sikoki.
Contents • 1 History • 2 Article types • 3. Subject Coverage • 4 Audience/readership • 5 Indexes and abstracts •6 References • 7 External links
1. History
The journal was established by the World Bank assisted National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) at the University of Port Harcourt in June 1998. Prof. Michael Horsfall Jnr was appointed as the pioneer managing editor. The first issue appeared in December 1998. The journal is domiciled at Ofrima Building, Faculty of Science at the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
2. Article Type
JASEM publishes original research findings and interpretative reviews provided the experimental testing methodology and reporting style meets current standards of adequacy.
3. Subject Coverage JASEM provides comprehensive coverage in all area of applied sciences and environmental management.
4. Audience and Readership The audience and readership of JASEM include industrial and academic scientists.
5. Indexes and Abstracts JASEM is presently indexed/abstracted by Chemical Abstracts, BIOSIS Abstracts, Aqualine Abstract, CABS Abstracts, Bioline Abstracts, AJOL Abstracts, ASFA Abstracts, EBSCO and Pro-Quest.
6. References
Horsfall, Michael Jnr (1998). "Editor's Note for Authors in Journal of Applied Sciences & Environmental Management" 1(1): 5 2.
7. External Links
Keywords: Applied Sciences, Environmental Management
ISSN: 1119-8362
Subject: Environmental Sciences
Publisher: Work=Bank-Assisted nationalAgricultural Research Project (NARP)
Year: 1998
Country: Nigeria
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