The Community and Public Health Nursing (CPHN) focuses on health care issues relevant to all aspects of community practice - schools, homes, visiting nursing services, clinics, hospices, education, and public health administration. Well-researched articles provide practical and up-to-date information to aid the nurse who must frequently make decisions and solve problems without the back-up support systems available in the hospital. The journal is a forum for community and Public health professionals to share their experience and expertise with others in the field. CPHN aims to provide worldwide access to timely research and practice features of use to public health nurses, administrators, and educators in the field of public health nursing. Its scope is the range of population-based concerns and interventions in which nurses are involved. The journal emphasizes scholarship on vulnerable populations. Articles include research studies, program evaluations, practice concepts, and educational features published with the goal of replication and development, and theory, education, methods, policy, and ethical and legal papers that stimulate discussion and public debate. Authors from all disciplines are invited to submit manuscripts relevant to Community and public health nursing. Authors who have questions about the appropriateness of a manuscript for publication in this journal are encouraged to communicate with the Editors prior to submission.
Keywords: Community,Public, Health, Nursing
ISSN: 2455-8621
Subject: Multidisciplinary
Publisher: Red Flower Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Year: 2016
Country: India
Views: 2093
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