E - balonmano.com: Journal Sports Science [EBM.RECIDE] has the objective of spreading quality knowledge on sport sciences in general and on any sport whit a special interest in handball. The articles can be published in Spanish, Portuguese and English. The publication has a quadrimonthly character and is legalized with the ISSN number: 1885 - 7019.
EBM.RECIDE publishes investigations of empirical character elaborated from any methodological approach, subject (coaching analysis and competition, education, gender studies, psychology, medicine, sociology, economy, history, etc), sports conception type (recreational, educational, performance), literary reviews (especially meta-analysis), experiments in coaching and in competition, and quality theoretical reflections. We also publish Doctorate Thesis abstracts and book reviews. All published articles are submitted to a blind revision by two revisers from the scientifically counsel.
URL: http://www.e-balonmano.com/ojs/index.php/revista/index
Keywords: Performance analysis in sport, Biomedics Science applied to Sport, Social Science applied to Sport, Physical Education, Handball
ISSN: 18857019
Subject: Sports Science
Publisher: Coedited between Extremadura Handball Federation and GOERD, University of Extremadura
Year: 2005
Country: Spain
Views: 9297
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