

Studii si cercetari filologice. Seria limbi romanice

The periodical Philological Research and Studies. Romance Languages Series is a biannual publication which hosts original papers on literary and linguistic studies in French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. In 2007, a group of researchers from the Romance Languages Department had the initiative of launching this publication. Our publication is an independent entity, with an editorial policy established only by its editor in chief and by its editorial board. Our publication is meant to be a framework for the convergence of ideas, unifying theoretical, analytical, international and intercultural approaches. Our publication proposes each year two issues, in May and November and, from time to time a hors serie issue.


Keywords: literary studies, romance languages

ISSN: 1843-39792344-4851


Subject: Languages and Literatures

Publisher: Editura Universitatii din Pitesti

Year: 2007

Country: Romania

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