

Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics

Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics is a journal with international editorial board, published in Bulgaria under ISSN 1310-5132 (print), 2367-8275 (online). Since its beginning in 1995, it is being regularly published with 4 numbers per year, except of Volume 1. Since 2013, the Journal has become an official publication of the “Marin Drinov” Academic Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The main topics of research in the fields of number theory and discrete mathematics, which are covered by the contents of the Journal, are: Elementary number theory Arithmetic functions Prime numbers Fibonacci sequence and its generalizations Recurrences Diophantine equations Combinatorics Combinatorial identities and inequalities Discrete mathematics, and others.


Keywords: number theory,discrete mathematics,arithmetic functions,fibonacci sequence,combinatorics,prime numbers

ISSN: 1310-5132


Subject: Mathematics

Publisher: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Year: 2005 (and working to

Country: Bulgaria

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