Journal of Modern Science & Engineering (JMSE) is an international, FREE of CHARGE, open access, peer-reviewed journal. JMSE aims to contribute on the constant scientific research and learning. Journal of modern science and engineering (JMSE) also promote the research in the field of Science and engineering.
Aims and Scope:
The journal is devoted to publish original, peer-reviewed research papers on main aspects of Theoretical, Applied, Environment and Engineering Science such as Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Botany, Geology, Agriculture, Pharmacy, Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering, Environmental biology, Ecology, Geosciences and environmental Physics. Appropriate subjects include basic and applied research on Atmospheric, Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments, Pollution control and conservation of Natural resources, Environmental Health and Toxicology.
Keywords: JMSE
ISSN: 2536-9679
Subject: Physics (General)
Publisher: mansoura university
Year: 2017
Country: Egypt
Views: 1596
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